Measure P

Measure P Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Measure P?

The Vallejo City Council placed Vallejo’s Safe Streets and Essential Services Measure P on the November Municipal Election ballot. As stated in the findings of the Resolution calling for the election and submission of the measure, if enacted, Measure P would generate locally controlled funding to help maintain critical city services and address community service priorities identified by the public in a recent community survey.

Measure P is the only local city measure on the November 8th Municipal Election ballot. Please read on for
more information or visit 


Q: How will Measure P money be spent?

Vallejo has some of the worst roads in the Bay Area – our streets should not be dangerous or cause costly damage to people’s cars. Over 400 lane miles of local roads (more than half of Vallejo’s streets) have an official rating of “poor” or “very poor” by independent experts and based on US Army Corps of Engineers pavement standards. Resolution 22-133 of the City Council approves spending priorities for funds generated by Measure P, including the use of funds to address street needs like pothole repairs and pavement maintenance, which have been identified by residents as a priority for such spending.

Q: I'm more concerned about fire protection and emergency medical response?

The City shares the community’s concerns. Unfortunately, local emergency response times have gone up in recent years. The City is currently unable to fund additional fire protection services, such as reopening closed fire stations, providing additional firefighters that are properly equipped and trained, and enhancing other fire protection services. These services are identified as a spending priority for Measure P revenues. 


Q: What other community priorities will Measure P address?

Quality of life, especially regarding our community's health, safety, and stability, continues to be our highest priority. In recent months, we have heard from you and your neighbors about needs and priorities for the City. Top community priorities we heard that Measure P will help address include:

  • Keeping public spaces safe and clean
  •  Maintaining fire protection, emergency response, and crime prevention programs
  • Addressing homelessness
  • Preventing blight and dumping
  • Repairing deteriorating streets, roads and sidewalks
  • Attracting and retaining local jobs and businesses


Q: What does Measure P cost?

Measure P would enact a .875% (less than a penny on the dollar) sales tax to address community priorities for maintaining critical city services with reliable, locally controlled funding that cannot be taken by the State. Measure P is not applied to prescription medicine or food purchased as groceries and is not a tax on rent, homes or property.


Q: Is the Measure P fiscally accountable?

Measure P requires strict accountability provisions, including independent citizen oversight with public disclosure of all spending, mandatory financial audits, and public reports to the community. By law, all funding must be spent locally in Vallejo and none can be taken by the State.



Q: Where can I get more information about Measure P?

The City will continue to keep the community informed about Measure P. If you are a member of a community organization that would like to receive a presentation on Measure P please contact City Clerk, Dawn Abrahamson.


Q: When is the election?

Tuesday, November 8,2022. To check your registration or get registered to vote, visit

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