Draft FEIR


March 26, 2019

In response to a request under the California Public Records Act, the City of Vallejo is exercising its discretion to make public the unfinished draft Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the VMT/Orcem project. The current version of this document is not ready for certification under the purposes of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As of this date, clarification is needed as to who is the responsible party for certain indemnity and mitigation measures, and who has site control and ownership of the project site. While this clarification is obtained processing of the EIR has been paused.

As of March 26, 2019, the City, as lead agency, has determined that the VMT/Orcem project is not yet ready for approval and that the environmental documents that have been prepared do not yet achieve a compliance with CEQA (Cal. Code Regs, Titl. 14 Section 15090(a)(1)) Thus, the FEIR is not ready to be presented to the City Council for certification and project approval under CEQA (Cal. Code Regs, Titl. 14 Section 15090(a)(2)).

While the processing of the application has been paused, staff will endeavor to work with applicants to obtain an updated environmental justice analysis, and data, as well as commitments from the applicants to perform certain mitigation measure in order to present them as feasible. Feasible in this context means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, legal, social, and technological factors (Cal. Code Regs, Titl.14 Section 15364).

Recognizing that the applicants and the public have requested release of the draft FEIR for public viewing, the City is accommodating these requests by posting the documents here. A progress report on this project is expected to be presented to Council by April 23, 2019.

DRAFT FEIR Documents can be found by clicking HERE

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