City Council Goals & Priorities

City Council Goal Setting FY 2023-24
City Council will be having their annual Goal Setting event on April 14, 2023, from 8:30am to 4:00pm. The public meeting will take place at Cal Maritime Academy, in the conference rooms above the dining hall.
The public is encouraged to attend at any time during the all-day event. The Goal Setting events are an excellent way to participate in your local government, gain valuable insight and information about what City Council-members are passionate about, supportive of, and are working to improve in our community, and to meet some of the city staff working diligently behind the scenes to make Vallejo a more safe, prosperous, and vibrant city.
City Council Goals Update FY 2022-23
We are happy to announce release of the City Council 2022-23 Goals Update booklet presented at the February 21, 2023, City Council meeting.

This document offers readers high-level information detailing the Single-Year & Multi-Year Council Goals for Fiscal Year 2022-23; where in the process the City is on these goals; timelines & next steps to come; a vision of what success would/could be; and contains pages celebrating some of staff’s accomplishments over the last year so far.

To view the booklet, please click here: City Council 2022-23 Goals Update Booklet
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