The Landscape Maintenance Districts (LMD) section of the Engineering Division oversees 26 LMDs and one Community Facilities District (CFD), and is responsible for monitoring the contracts of each LMD and inspecting work done to ensure each region's fund is used to the greatest benefit of local residents.
For more information about your LMD, or to learn about how to create a LMD in your neighborhood, email us or call (707) 648-4315.
To learn if you are in a LMD, view the map.
What is a LMD?
A LMD is a financing vehicle utilized to make certain improvements to particular neighborhoods within the community. These improvements, such as parks, playgrounds, landscapes, sidewalks, trees, etc., are paid for by the landowners within the LMD.
LMD Funding
Both types of LMDs receive annual Engineering Reports, which recommend the fee required to maintain or upgrade existing LMD benefits. These findings are submitted to the City Council for a Public Hearing.
View the Region Map Here.
More about California LMDs
Trimming or Pruning Trees
Please visit the Public Works Grounds Maintenance page for information about trimming trees.
For more information call (707) 648-4315.