FAQ - Business Vandalisms and Break-ins 2023


1. Who should I contact if my business is vandalized or burglarized (non in-progress)?

Contact Vallejo Police Department 707-552-3285

2. What is the process to report a crime?

Dial 911 if crime is in-progress or contact Vallejo Police Department non-emergency phone # 707-552-3285
Reports can also be filed on-line URL: https://www.vallejopd.net/get_services/online_police_services/file_police_report

3. Is the City using innovative technological solutions to reduce crime?

Yes. The city is using technology to help reduce crime. Currently, the Vallejo Police Department is using Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR). These devices which are strategically located throughout city locate stolen vehicles and report that information directly to officers’ on-board computer systems. Many stolen vehicles are often used by criminals to commit other crimes making it difficult to identify these offenders. This technology is also paired up with surveillance technology to monitor and address other crimes such as reckless driving. The police department will soon be using Auditory Detection technology to detect gunshots to immediately alert officers of shootings, in the same manner as the ALPR alert. This will enable officers to faster respond to shootings, providing timelier medical aid to victim(s), aid locating crime scenes, and increase ability to apprehend offenders.

4. What is the City doing about crime?

a) Increasing foot and vehicle patrols in affected business areas during free patrol times
b) Set aside American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for vandalism clean up and mural installation in high traffic areas
c) Recommending a grant allocation of $100,000 for additional security services in downtown area and coordinating with Central Core Restoration Corporation (CCRC)
d) Holding Town Hall meetings to solicit input from the community and begin the partnership conversations to help find solutions that include collaboration between city staff and the community
e) Creating a city-wide Business Watch in partnership with the Chamber

5. What improvements can businesses make to deter vandalism and burglary?

a) Install double cylinder pad locks and make sure all outside entrances and inside security doors have deadbolt locks.
b) Install tempered / burglar resistant glass. Consider installing metal grates on all your (non-display) windows. c) All outside or security doors should be metal-lined and secured with metal security crossbars. Pin all exposed hinges to prevent removal.
d) Light the inside and outside of your business, especially around doors, windows, skylights, or other entry points. This allows officers to see inside during patrolling. Consider installing covers over exterior lights and power sources to deter tampering.
e) Install an alarm system equipped with an audible alarm
f) Install High Definition (HD) cameras with real time smart alert technology
g) Remove cash from cash register and leave open to show it is empty
h) Report burglaries and vandalisms to the Vallejo Police Department

6. Ideas from businesses:

a) Develop a phone tree for emergency notifications (Google Doc)
b) Request CCRC change the schedule of the security patrol to nights
c) CCRC/City to place lights on tree trunks to brighten the area at night
d) Put trained security dogs in stores overnight
e) Have cameras/alarm company services to record incidents
f) Include SolTrans in future discussions – transit customers affecting businesses
g) Design and install “Business Watch” stickers in windows
h) Advocate for Code Enforcement action taken on empty buildings at Council meetings
i) Red Beret group to patrol
j) Locate a Police Substation downtown – would be helpful, more visible presence during non-working hours

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